Fantastic Fitness Books to Read
It may sound sort of strange to read books about fitness, but let me assure you there are some fantastic fitness books to read out there on everything from yoga to anatomy. There is even a Navy Seal workout book! These books will give insight as to what the particular exercise does for the body, the muscle groups it targets, and give a better understanding of how to perform the exercise correctly especially if you’re working out from home!

A Little Bit of Yoga
This is a book purchased for me by my daughter… It is a book that gives descriptions of the different types of yoga poses and how to incorporate the pose into a yoga practice. This little guide is perfect for beginners or those wanting to know more about practicing yoga. It can be purchased from Amazon here (<– affiliate link!). It is also part of a series of books on meditation, mindfulness, chakras, ayurveda, etc.

Anatomy of Fitness Series
These books are great in that they not only show how to perform certain exercises, but also highlight which muscle groups are working in that exercise as well as illustrations that demonstrate proper form. They are a great guide, especially for those working out at home. There are Anatomy of Fitness books on Core, HIIT, Weight Training, Yoga, Cycling, etc., and my favorite, the Total Body book can be found here (<– affiliate link!). There is even a book on Tai Chi, something I would like to try!
A Journey Into Yin Yoga
This book was part of the course study for me when I earned my Yoga Instructor certification. It was required reading, and I found it to be really interesting! It’s also where I discovered my love for Yin yoga which will be another post on another day… The book discusses the origins of Yin yoga, as well as the passive approach during a Yin yoga session. The poses include photographs of the postures as well a detailed explanations on the benefits of the poses. This book is a must-have if you love yoga, and can be purchased here <– affiliate link!)

There are so many other really great and informative books on fitness that are available at any book store or public library. Do you have any favorite fantastic fitness books to read? Leave a comment and let me know about it… I’d love to check it out!